DECEMBER of 2019

Around May and June of 2019 David met two people who each greatly impressed him.  He met them individually and randomly.  They were both from Sierra Leone and both from the same region.

The first was Saffiatu Beatrice Farma and the other was Emmanuel Jongo. Saffiatu runs a mostly girl orphanage of about 200 kids. Her program is called Women Empowered toward Progress And Development (WEPAD). 

Emmanuel is the founder and CEO of Help the Needy by Faith. Through this organization, he had partnered with some donors and was able to get a school built and running. He was also responsible for the formation of a handful of churches throughout that region. 

Each of them is bold, hard-working and ambitious.  And each of them pursued an affiliation with RGWGM.  Over the summer and fall months, David got to know each of them quite well and decided to include Sierra Leone on his next trip to Africa.  Also over those months, David worked very closely with Emmanuel Jongo and helped him to rebrand and reform his organization into what is now known as Hope Rains Foundation. 

David is, in fact, a cofounder with Emmanuel.  Under HRF, schools and orphanages will be built, supported and facilitated through Red Gone White Church.  A new wing was built onto the school during those same months and David was able to "officially OPEN" the school during his stay in Sierra Leone. 

He met the many village leaders, stakeholders, teachers and Principal and School Mistress and the 402 amazing students! This is a 30-acre property with a new well recently dug by Living Waters Ministry.  Also while there, he fed all of the kids and guests and encouraged them to keep changing lives for the kingdom of God. 

David partnered with Pastor Joseph Johnbull of Nations Evangelistic Ministry (NEM) in doing two open crusades over three days.  One was at one of the Red Gone White Churches in the village of Mongrewo.  After this event, he was given a live baby goat (named "Why ME?" by Pst. Johnbull...hehe). The other crusade was held for two days at the school site.  Many youths were brought to Jesus and delivered from Satanic possession due to witchcraft and sorcery.  As a result of this crusade, a 500 seat capacity church is being planned and financed as we speak.

Finally, David had the great pleasure of going to Saffiatu's village/orphanage WEPAD-SL. He danced with many of the villagers and children.  Once again he met the village leaders, stakeholders, leadership team and orphans (200+!). After casting vision and encouraging them, he fed them all and prayed for them.  On his next trip to SL, he will bring a crusade to that village as well and launch a new church there also. 

While in Sierra Leone for six days, David preached six times.


Vision Statement:

"Arise and shine for your light has come!" Isaiah 60:1

Mission Statement:

Preparing The Bride

Stirring the Sleeping Giant


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